Technology simplified

Our purpose is to provide simple explanations, quick tips, and up to date news of the internet.

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About the Podcast

Know IT Podcast
The place where you get to KNOW IT so you can OWN IT!
This is for those who find Cyber attacks and IT networking intriguing, but don't necessarily have a background in network systems. We will keep you up to date on the most current Cyber happenings around the world. As well as choose a different Network concept, and make them easy for you to understand. If you get to KNOW IT, you can OWN IT.

New episodes every Monday!
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About your host

Profile picture for Bryant Brackett

Bryant Brackett

I am a IT security advocate. My purpose is to educate business owners and civilians alike in all things Cyber and IT. I have had my identity stolen, credit/debit cards, and personal email accounts hacked. With that experience I am able to sit on both sides of the table. With the sole goal and purpose of making sure it doesn't happen again, to me, my friends, or my customers.

Co-host of the Made Me Watch podcast. Where my wife and I sit down and discuss TV shows on cable and streaming. This is a bi-weekly podcast, and I have tons of fun bantering with my wife over terrible TV.